How to Scale Docker Containers Horizontal ?

How to Scale Docker Containers Horizontal ?

Docker standard is an open-source, container-based solution, designed to simplify the application delivery process. GPUonCLOUD Cloud provides a convenient way to orchestrate and manage these containers through the same-named Docker tab of environment wizard. Just as...
Database Horizontal Scaling

Database Horizontal Scaling

With GPUonCLOUD you are able to scale both SQL and NoSQL databases: Each newly added database server has its own host name (which consists of DB name, node ID and environment’s host) and credentials for administrator access, that you’ll receive in separate email...
How to  install SSL on Apache Linux ?

How to install SSL on Apache Linux ?

Download .crt file and .key file from the web domain host. (e.g. GoDaddy) Edit the website file which you have created in /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-site.conf with following <VirtualHost *:443>ServerName www.your-domain-nameServerAlias...
How to Generate a Custom SSL Certificate ?

How to Generate a Custom SSL Certificate ?

A noteworthy type of security for your domain names is provided by SSL certificate. Its become very easy with GPUonCLOUD, to host applications that require SSL.Generate a Custom SSL Certificate In order to add the Custom SSL certificate to your GPUonCLOUD environment,...
MySQL/MariaDB Database Master-Slave Replication

MySQL/MariaDB Database Master-Slave Replication

 MySQL/MariaDB Database Master-Slave Replication Master-slave replication is used to solve a number of different problems with performance, supporting the backup of different databases, and as a part of a larger solution to alleviate system failures. It enables data...
Introduction to MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a popular open source Database application. While it is way easier than other databases, it also supports salient features like Master Slave replication, ad hoc queries, indexing and much more. Let us know few basic commands of MongoDB. You can login to...