DevOps Tools

DevOps Tools

DevOps is a combination of software development and IT operations. DevOps focuses on the systems development life cycle. DevOps has effective tools to help teams quickly and efficiently deploy. Because of this tools help teams manage complex environments at scale and...
VPS Horizontal Scaling

VPS Horizontal Scaling

The ability to host multiple GPUonCLOUD  Virtual Private Servers in a single environment highly facilitates management, in case of the necessity to work with several VPS at once. Herewith, each node remains an independent server, that is able to run a separate...
Storage Container Horizontal Scaling

Storage Container Horizontal Scaling

Storage Container Horizontal Scaling Dedicated Storage Container is a special type of node developed to support working with the large amount of data. It has a number of benefits compared to the rest of container types, such as enlarged amount of allocated disk space...
MySQL Template with Auto-Clustering

MySQL Template with Auto-Clustering

 MySQL Auto-Clustering is provided for the 5.7.x and 8.x MySQL versions only. Automatic clusterization of the databases with pre-configured replication and auto-discovery of the nodes. Based on your requirements, you can select Scheme of the following types:...